NC Department of Justice
Learn more about NCDOJ here
Please note that the NCDOJ is offering two separate internships, one with the Public Information Office and one with the Public Protection Office. You will need to tailor your cover letter to fit your desired position.
1. N.C. Department of Justice - Attorney General's Office (Public Information Office)
The Public Information Office, as part of the Attorney General’s Executive Staff, communicates the work of the Department of Justice and the Attorney General with the public, the media and directly with constituents.
- Rising junior or senior undergraduate majoring in communications, political science or a related discipline. Strong writing skills required.
Intern Duties
- These interns will handle a variety of tasks related to communications. Among the projects this intern is likely to work on: writing projects including press releases, website and social media content, consumer columns, safety alerts and memos; monitor state and national media on topics relevant to the office; and assist with planning and carrying out public events to educate the public about public policy, consumer protection, and safety issues.
Beneficial Experiences
- Working in Public Information Office allows interns to observe the intersection of communications, law and public policy. These interns will work with a wide range of topics in public policy and work directly with the Attorney General’s staff to formulate and communicate policy objectives and initiatives.
Cover letters should be addressed to:
Melissa Lovell
North Carolina Department of Justice
9001 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-9001
2. N.C. Department of Justice - Attorney General's Office (Public Protection Section)
The Public Protection Section advises on public safety issues, including gender-based violence, consumer protection, criminal justice reform, and substance use disorder. The Section also manages the Attorney General’s public safety initiatives and Section members serve as the Attorney General’s representative on various Boards and Commissions. The Section provides educational and safety programs throughout the State of North Carolina. The outreach programs include: Internet Safety, Identity Theft, Consumer Scams and Fraud, Substance Misuse Disorder, Sexual Assault, Human Trafficking, Animal Cruelty, and Domestic Violence. The Section also acts as an information and referral resource for North Carolina consumers and crime victims.
Highly motivated undergraduate student
Address Confidentiality Program
The Public Protection Section is responsible for administering the Attorney General’s Address Confidentiality Program (ACP). ACP provides victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and human trafficking with a substitute mailing address so they can keep their actual address secret from their abusers. The substitute address can be used when applying for, or receiving services from state or local government agencies in North Carolina.
Open Government
The Public Protection Section includes the Open Government Unit. The Unit assists citizens and local governments with open government issues, mediates public records and open meeting disputes, and periodically produces the Guide to Open Government.
Intern Duties
Interns will be assigned to work with attorneys on a case by case basis. The projects will involve assisting with legal research, drafting pleadings, motions and criminal appellate briefs, and responding to crime victims. Additionally, interns will assist in the development of speeches, PowerPoint presentations and drafting outreach materials. Also, interns can anticipate the following duties: analyzing public policy issues, researching potential outreach initiatives and staffing committee meetings.
Beneficial Experiences
Working in the Public Protection Section provides the opportunity not only to work with government attorneys and draft legal pleadings, but also to interact with the business community, victims of crime, and public officials.
Cover letters should be addressed to:
Melissa Lovell
North Carolina Department of Justice
9001 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-9001